
100 Days of Prabowo – Gibran: Test of Law Enforcement in the Case in Rawa Tripa

Nagan Raya, 29 January 2025- The first hundred days of the administration of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka were a crucial moment in proving their commitment to the supremacy of law. One of the most highlighted aspects is how the government handles legal cases that have raised public doubts, especially in the environmental sector. Public trust in the justice system is increasingly weakening due to lack of firmness in taking action against large companies that are proven to be damaging the environment. Therefore, it is hoped that the new government will be able to take firm steps to show that justice cannot be compromised, especially in cases of ecosystem destruction such as what occurred in Rawa Tripa, Aceh.

One clear example of this problem is the case of PT Kallista Alam and PT Surya Panen Subur II (SPS II), two companies that have been legally proven to be responsible for peatland fires in Rawa Tripa. In 2014, the Meulaboh District Court found PT Kallista Alam guilty of intentionally burning more than 1,000 hectares of land to expand its oil palm plantations. This decision requires the company to pay environmental restoration worth Rp. 251.7 billion as well as a fine for the defendant's delay in paying forced money (dwangsom) amounting to Rp. 5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah) per day for delays in implementing the decision in the case. A similar case also involved PT SPS II, which in 2018 was sentenced by the Supreme Court to restore 1,200 hectares of peatland with funds amounting to IDR. 302.15 billion. As well as paying material compensation to the State treasury account amounting to Rp. 136.86. Even though there has been a binding legal decision, the implementation of this decision still faces many obstacles, so that the promised environmental recovery has not been realized optimally.


The public is now waiting to see the attitude of the Prabowo - Gibran government in upholding justice for the environment. If the government is truly serious about building public trust, then one of the most concrete steps it can take is to ensure that the execution of the court decision against the two companies runs without obstacles. Firm action against perpetrators of environmental crimes will not only provide a deterrent effect, but also emphasize that the law cannot be negotiated for the sake of business interests. With legal certainty, it is hoped that no more companies will feel above the law and are free to exploit natural resources without thinking about the impact on the ecosystem and surrounding communities.

However, strict law enforcement alone is not enough. The government also needs to strengthen monitoring and prevention systems so that environmental damage can be prevented before it becomes a bigger problem. Business licensing related to peatlands and forest areas must be tightened so that there are no loopholes for companies to carry out illegal practices. Apart from that, transparency in the judicial process and community involvement in environmental monitoring are important factors to ensure that the policies made are truly in favor of the interests of the people and preserving nature.

The Prabowo – Gibran government has a great opportunity to prove that it is not only committed to economic growth, but also to environmental sustainability. By consistently enforcing the law and improving monitoring mechanisms, the government can rebuild public trust which has been eroded. The public is waiting for concrete steps in the first 100 days as a signal that the law is truly being enforced, not only for small individuals, but also for large corporations which have often escaped the law. If this momentum is utilized well, the new government can usher in a new era for justice and environmental protection in Indonesia.



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