
APEL Green Aceh Foundation and BAPPEDA Nagan Raya Sign MoU for Peat Protection, Forests and Sustainable Energy

Suka Makmue, December 30, 2024 – Taking place in the BAPPEDA Meeting Room of Nagan Raya Regency, a discussion and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was held between the Apel Green Aceh Foundation and the BAPPEDA of Nagan Raya Regency. This collaboration aims to strengthen environmental protection measures through peat, forest, and land protection planning, as well as supporting the energy transition towards a more sustainable system.

In the signed MoU, the scope of cooperation includes various strategic initiatives aimed at supporting sustainable regional development. One of the main focuses is the protection and development of important ecosystems such as the Tripa Swamp, forest areas and wetlands. Apart from that, this collaboration is also designed to encourage the development of renewable energy as part of energy transition efforts, which is in line with the national agenda in facing the challenge of climate change.

Not only that, this collaboration program also involves empowering communities in forest areas, through activities that support increasing local capacity and skills. Exchange of information, data and scientific publications is also an important part of this collaboration, with the aim of strengthening the knowledge base and expanding access to information related to environmental management.

As a form of implementation of this agreement, various scientific activities will be held such as seminars, workshops and conferences highlighting strategic themes in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development. The APEL Green Aceh Foundation and BAPPEDA Nagan Raya also agreed to develop innovation in managing natural resources and the environment, as well as increasing forest cover, especially in the Grand Forest Park (TAHURA), protected forest areas and production forest areas

Not to forget, this initiative also targets increasing Green Open Space (RTH) in urban areas and other areas, as a step to improve the quality of the environment while supporting public health.

Through this collaboration, both parties hope to realize responsible management of natural resources, as well as ensure environmental sustainability in Nagan Raya Regency. "This collaboration is a concrete manifestation of our commitment to protecting the environment, as well as supporting environmentally friendly development," said Syukur, Director of the APEL Green Aceh Foundation.

This agreement is expected to be the first step towards greater collaboration between local governments, communities and non-governmental organizations to face various environmental challenges, especially in areas that are an important part of the Nagan Raya Regency ecosystem.



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